Honors Academy Course ApplicationLoading...Please assemble all the required submission materials before completing this form. You will not be able to save your progress.Teacher InformationFirst NameLast NameDisplay Name (HIDDEN)Email AddressEmail Type (HIDDEN)Email AddressEvening PhoneMobile PhoneNWU EmailPrimary PhoneSchool EmailEmail Address (HIDDEN)High School (Must select from autosuggestion options)You did not select a school from the autosuggestion options. Please enter your school again and select from the autosuggestion options. If your school is unavailable, please contact Drew Carr at dcarr@nebrwesleyan.edu.Parent Key (HIDDEN)Course InformationName of high school course proposed for Wesleyan Honors AcademyNWU Course Equivalency (View course names and descriptions.)ARH 1030FYW: Survey of Non-Western Art History: Ancient to 21st CenturyARH 1040FYW: Survey West Art History: Ancient to 21st CenturyART 1050: Art ResearchART 1300: Introduction to DrawingBIO 1010: Perspectives in Biological ScienceACCT 1310: Principles of Accounting IACCT 1320: Principles of Accounting IIECON 1530: Macroeconomic PrinciplesECON 1540: Microeconomic PrinciplesBUSAD 2300: Business CommunicationsBUSAD 1800 : Personal FinanceCHEM 1110: Chemical Principles ICHEM 1110L : Chemical Principles I LaboratoryCOMM 1000: Fundamentals of CommunicationCOMM 1250 : Introduction to Communication StudiesENG 1010FYW : Writing and LanguageENG 1020FYW: Writing and LiteratureENG 2630: Journalism And Free SpeechGEOG 1510: Physical GeographyGEOG 1520 : Cultural GeographyHHP 1260: Human Health and WellnessHHP 1270: Advanced Emergency CareHHP 1300: Care and Prevention of Athletic InjuriesHHP 1320: Introduction to Allied HealthHHP 1910: Medical TerminologyHHP 2500: Basic Human NutritionHIST 1010: Topics in United States History to 1877HIST 1020: United States Society and Culture Since 1877HIST 1110: World CivilizationsHIST 2130: Western Civilization Through LiteratureHIST 2540: African-American HistoryMATH 1100: College AlgebraMATH 1300: StatisticsMATH 1600: Calculus IMATH 1610: Calculus IIMFREN 1010: French Stage 1: Personal PerspectivesMFREN 1020: French Stage 2: Personal ConnectionsMFREN 2030: Perspectives in Language and CultureMGRMN 1010: German Stage 1: Personal PerspectivesMGRMN 1020 : German Stage 2: Personal ConnectionsMGRMN 2030 : Perspectives in Language and CultureMJPAN 1010: Japanese Stage 1: Personal PerspectivesMJPAN 1020: Japanese Stage 2: Personal ConnectionsMJPAN 2010: Japanese Stage 3: Cultural PerspectivesMJPAN 2030: Perspectives in Language and CultureMSPAN 1010: Spanish Stage 1: Personal PerspectivesMSPAN 1020: Spanish Stage 2: Personal ConnectionsMSPAN 2010: Spanish Stage 3: Cultural PerspectivesPHYS 1100: Introduction to GeologyPHYS 1600: Principles of Physics IPHYS 1700: Principles of Physics IIPOLSC 1010: United States Government and PoliticsPSYCH 1010FYW: Introduction to Psychological ScienceRELIG 1150: World ReligionsRELIG 2250: Religion, Peace and Social JusticeSOC 1110: Introduction to SociologyLength of courseLength of courseFall - One SemesterSpring - One SemesterFull Year - 2 SemestersClass Start DateClass Start DateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930312000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024202520262027202820292030203120322033203420352036203720382039204020412042204320442045Class Stop DateClass Stop DateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930312000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024202520262027202820292030203120322033203420352036203720382039204020412042204320442045Brief Description of CourseTextbook(s) assigned to studentsPlease upload all of the following documents below to complete your application1. A photocopy/PDF of the Table of Contents of the textbook you are using.Mark the chapters that will be covered. Make sure to include title and copyright information for the textbook as well. ART INSTRUCTORS must send visuals of their artwork and their students' artwork.2. A course syllabus that includes the following (and preferably using the NWU template):1. Description of the course and how it is organized (scope), 2. Required readings, papers, projects and/or reports, 3. Expectations of students, 4. How the course grade will be determined3. Major assignments made during the course (the prompt/description given to students)4. A copy of the final examination for the course (if one is used)5. A brief letter from your principal or superintendent in support of you offering this courseSubmit