NWU Financial Aid ApplicationInstructions: Parent(s') and student's 2023 Federal Tax Return are needed to complete the NWU Financial Aid Application. This form is only for prospective students starting the fall of 2025. We have created our own application so you don’t have to wait for the 2025-26 FAFSA to open to receive a financial aid offer from NWU. This form will help us determine your eligibility for all the grants and scholarships that make NWU such a great value, including the federal Pell-grant. Regardless of income, we encourage you to complete the NWU Financial Aid Application. We’ll do our best to make an amazing college experience affordable for you! Contact us with questions at (402) 465-2167. For the Prospective StudentStudent InformationFirst nameMiddle name(Optional)Last nameAddressAddressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeSocial security numberPhoneEmailHigh SchoolCeeb CodeHousehold InformationParents' current marital statusSingleMarriedNever married but biological parents live togetherWidowedDivorced/Separated List the people in your parent(s’) household; include: yourself and your parent(s) with whom you live (including stepparent), and your parents’ other children, even if they don’t live with your parent(s), when: your parent(s) will provide more than half of his/her/their support during the 2025-26 academic year, or the child(ren) are in college during the 2025-26 academic year and would be required to provide parental information when applying for federal student aid. Enter the names of all household members. Also, enter the name(s) of the college(s) that siblings or other household members will attend half- or full-time during the 2025-26 academic year (excluding parents). Household MembersDeleteHousehold Member _ID_Relationship to youFatherMotherStep-FatherStep-MotherBrotherSisterLegal GuardianFirst nameLast NameAgeCollege attending in 2025-26Click here to insert another memberEstimated Financial Information for Parent(s) and Student Complete both parent(s’) and student’s information. The tax form lines referenced below are supplied to assist you in finding the values on your 2023 income tax return. If you have questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 402.465.2167 or financialaid@nebrwesleyan.edu. To ensure accuracy, a copy of your federal tax return may be requested by the Financial Aid office. To verify and confirm your eligibility for federal and Nebraska Wesleyan University need-based financial aid, you must complete and submit a 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after it becomes available by visiting www.fafsa.ed.gov. Our FASFA school code is 002555. Indicate type of income tax return to be filed (1040, will not file).Parent(s)'Student/Spouse2023 Adjusted gross income (IRS form 1040-line 11).Parent(s')Student/Spouse2023 U.S. income tax (IRS form 1040-line 22 minus schedule 2, line 2).Parent(s')Student/SpouseDid the parent file a Schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with the 2023 IRS Form 1040?Did the parent file a Schedule A, B, D, E, F, or H with the 2023 IRS Form 1040?YesNoDon't knowNet profit or loss from IRS Form 1040 Schedule CParent(s')Student/SpouseForeign earned income exclusionParent(s')Student/SpouseDid the parent receive the earned income credit (EIC)?Did the parent receive the earned income credit (EIC)?YesNoDon't know2023 Student income earned from work (IRS form 1040-line 1z + (from Schedule 1 lines 3+6) + box 14 of IRS schedule K-1 (form 1065)); or, if not required to file a federal tax return, the amount from box 1 of your 2023 W-2(s)Student/Spouse2023 Parent 1 income earned from work (IRS form 1040-line 1z + (from Schedule 1 lines 3+6) + box 14 of IRS schedule K-1 (form 1065))Parent(s')2023 Parent 2 income earned from work (IRS form 1040-line 1z + (from Schedule 1 lines 3+6) + box 14 of IRS schedule K-1 (form 1065))Parent(s')Education credits (Hope and Lifetime Learning tax credits) from IRS form 1040-schedule 3 line 3.Parent(s')Student/SpouseIRA deductions and payments to self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, Keogh and other qualified plans from IRS form 1040-schedule 1 line 16+20.Parent(s')Student/SpouseChild support received for all children in 2024. Don’t include foster care or adoption payments.Parent(s')Student/SpouseTax exempt interest income from IRS form 1040-line 2a.Parent(s')Student/SpouseUntaxed portions of IRA distributions from IRS form 1040-lines (4a minus 4b). Exclude rollovers. If negative, enter a zero here.Parent(s')Student/SpouseUntaxed portions of pensions from IRS form 1040-lines (5a minus 5b). Exclude rollovers. If negative, enter a zero here.Parent(s')Student/SpouseEstimated Asset InformationTotal current balance of cash, savings and checking accounts.Parent(s') AssetsStudent/Spouse AssetsNet worth of your investments, including real estate (do not include your home).Net worth means current value minus debt. Investments include real estate (do not include the family home), trust funds, UGMA and UTMA accounts, money market funds, mutual funds, certificates of deposit, stocks, stock options, bonds, other securities, Coverdell savings accounts, 529 college savings plans, the refund value of 529 prepaid tuition plans, installment and land sale contracts (including mortgages held), commodities, etc. Investment value means the current balance or market value of these investments as of today. Investment debt means only those debts that are related to the investments. Do not include the value of life insurance, retirement plans (401[k] plans, pension funds, annuities, noneducational IRAs, Keogh plans, etc.) or cash, savings and checking accounts already reported above. Business and/or investment farm value includes the market value of land, buildings, machinery, equipment, inventory, etc. Business and/or investment farm debt means only those debts for which the business or investment farm was used as collateral.Parent(s’) AssetsStudent/Spouse AssetsNet worth of your current businesses and/or investment farmsParent(s’) AssetsStudent/Spouse AssetsSubmit